Sunday, May 24, 2009

Venturing Forth

I Read this in the daily devotional I get in my email. It really spoke to me about the whole process of leaving the familiar to follow God:

"It’s better to stay in the safety of the camp than venture forth on a wing and a prayer. Who knows what dangers lie ahead?" This was the counsel of the ten faithless spies sent in to have a look at the Promised Land when the Jews came out of Egypt. Only two of the twelve, Joshua and Caleb, saw things differently. Their hearts were captured by a vision of what might be and they urged the people to press on. But their voices were drowned by the fears of the other ten spies and Israel wandered for another forty years. Without the anticipation of better things ahead, we will have no heart for the journey. 

One of the most poisonous of all Satan’s whispers is simply, “Things will never change.” That lie kills expectation, trapping our heart forever in the present. To keep desire alive and flourishing, we must renew our vision for what lies ahead. Things will not always be like this. Jesus has promised to “make all things new.” Eye has not seen, ear has not heard all that God has in store for his lovers, which does not mean “we have no clue so don’t even try to imagine,” but rather, 
you cannot outdream God. Desire is kept alive by imagination, the antidote to resignation. We will need imagination, which is to say, we will need hope. 

Julia Gatta describes impatience, discouragement, and despair as the “noonday demons” most apt to beset the seasoned traveler. As the road grows long we grow weary; impatience and discouragement tempt us to forsake the way for some easier path. These shortcuts never work, and the guilt we feel for having chosen them only compounds our feelings of despair. 

Faith looks back and draws courage; hope looks ahead and keeps desire alive. And meantime? In the meantime we need one more item for our journey. To appreciate what it may be, we have to step back and ask, what is all this for? The resurrection of our heart, the discovery of our role in the Larger Story, entering into the Sacred Romance—why do we pursue these things? If we say we seek all of this for our own sake, we’re right back where we started: lost in our own story. Jesus said that when a person lives merely to preserve his life, he eventually loses it altogether. Rather, he said, give your life away and discover life as it was always meant to be. “Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self ” (Matt. 16:25, The Message). Self-preservation, the theme of every small story, is so deeply wrong because it violates the Trinity, whose members live to bring glory to the others. The road we travel will take us into the battle to restore beauty in all things, chief among them the hearts of those we know. We grow in glory so that we might assist others in doing so; we give our glory to increase theirs. In order to fulfill the purpose of our journey, we will need a passion to increase glory; we will need love

Memory, imagination, and a passion for glory—these we must keep close at hand if we are to see the journey to its end. But the road is not entirely rough. There are oases along the way. It would be a dreadful mistake to assume that our Beloved is only waiting for us at the end of the road. Our communion with him sustains us along our path. 

(The Sacred Romance , p. 156-58, by John Eldredge)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Big News

I have news that some of you may interpret as good or sad, or you may just not care… To me it’s a mixture. For the past year or so our family have really felt God working in our hearts. We’ve felt that God was calling us to new ministry opportunities. As soon as we felt this familiar call we put our Yes on the table, and we waited for God to show us his plans. Finally God has revealed his will! My dad has been offered the job of Creative Arts Pastor at “The Church @ the Ridge” in Hiram, GA. After much prayer and wise council, we have decided to accept the offer. We will be relocating to Hiram, GA in June or July.

I am very excited about this church! This past week the church flew us out to visit. We had a great time hanging out with the pastors and their families. Really awesome people. My dad met with the band and he sang a song with them Sunday. He did an amazing job. If you want to know more about this church you can visit their website:

Like I said God has done a great work in my heart and he has given me a peace and a great excitement about this new chapter in our lives. BUT, this is NOT to say that I won’t be missing anyone in Vegas! I have met some of the most Godly people I know here and I will be very sad to leave you all. I will also miss Hope Baptist Church VERY much!!! It’s gonna be extremely sad to leave y’all. As Chris Tomlin says: “Greater things are still to be done in this city!” and I believe that God will use Hope will be a big part of these great things. I love you Hope! To my friends in GA, I can’t wait to see y’all again and this time stay for good. To my friends in neither of these places… I guess it doesn’t really matter for y’all so you can stop reading this now… lol!

So we are moving sometime in June or July… please pray that our house will sell and the whole moving process will go smoothly. If y’all have anymore questions feel free to comment…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Everyone Else is Doin' It!"

Ok so everyone and their dog (and I'm serious on this one) seems to have a blog now. So I thought... why not? I'll probably never post anything again... or i may go blog crazy and post everyday. so we'll see....

PS and sorry for the horribly uncreative name... i may change it later...