Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fairy Tales. Good or eVIL?

So the In my english class my teacher keeps bringing up this essay that one of her former students wrote called "The Negative Effects of Fairy Tales on Children." She talks like it's the greatest paper ever. So out of curiosity I googled it to see what I could find. Do you know what I found? A LOT of bitter girls.

Girls who want to blame fairy tales for how their life turned out. They say "fairy tales gave me so much hope of finding the perfect man but he DOESN"T EXIST." So... naturally.... since she couldn't get her happy ending (more like she gave up too soon) she wants to make sure no-one else expects it. What a crappy attitude.
Todays culture tries to teach us not to expect anything out of life. They say that fairy tales are useless because they are unrealistic. I've got news for them. Fairy tales have more reality than the world they think they live in. Life is an adventure, a battle, and a romance. The battle for the human heart is constantly being waged all around us. God wants to be our rescuer if we let Him.

As for earthly rescuers... Culture is telling girls to expect less and less from men.. and the men are GOING ALONG WITH IT. Men, just because a woman doesn't expect you to be strong, kind, and Godly, doesn't mean you can get away with being a wimp. Girls, don't settle for anyone less than who God has for you. I've seen too many girls grab onto the first guy who will pay attention and claim they're the ones. Wait for God's perfect person.

Fairy tales also deliver the infamous suggestion... "follow your heart" (DUN DUN DUN!!!!!) Hey Christions... pssst It's ok! you CAN follow your heart!!!

"And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new, obedient heart." Ezekiel 36:26

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:16

The heart being desperately wicked is referring to unbelievers. If Christ truly dwells in our hearts it cannot be wicked. The problem for Christians is discerning between your heart and your flesh.

"So now it is no longer I
who do it, but sin that dwells within me.
For I know that nothing
good dwells in me, that is,
in my flesh."
Romans 7:17-18a

Further reading on this subject can be found in the book "Epic" by John Eldredge.

Fairy Tales teach us not settle for less than what God has for our liv